We can change the text, the background, the language, the ethnicity, the age, the content being spoken and the face. We could use your own face or we can offer an extensive array from our database library.

You could have the same video but in different variations for split testing. Maybe you have different locations so you want the same spokesperson but with a different background for each. See these examples below…

This face was merged with the video number 1 face to create video number 2 ( a whole new face ) and looks a little older. The closer the facial features the better the composite created. Now assuming number 1 face could feature in a movie or be a member of the public who decides to sue for using his image without his prior permission (such as is possible given how people are suing under ADA rules) that this could follow suit. Then by creating Face number 2 this ensures that this is no longer possible as this face is unique. As we are now protecting our clients from any legal challenge on their video.

Equally assuming there are two plumbing outlets we could take the two individual real faces and merge with a close match to create new composites again protecting the business from any potential legal challenge. Each video would contain the same content but there would be two individual Spokespeople. This could be also be used for split testing the same promotional video to see which lands the best with the targeted audience.