So what is your existing website like, is is fit for the 21st Century. It is proven that flat dynamic images no longer cut it and when they are brought to life they engage better with the viewers. We can use your own photos or provide images ( copyright free ) to our clients as we hold the image licensing rights to thousands of human faces that allows us to use them. We can use your own voice in the video or we can provide suitable voice overs that also carry a range of emotions when speaking to the audience.

The power of the spoken image outside of your office location or inside your Company premises can not be overlooked, especially when used on websites or presentations. Use them to talk to staff on emails or on direct marketing, wherever you decide you can be one sure of one thing, you will get the attention that your message . After which one of these 2 images below would you be likely to focus your attention on. The answer is of course the one that is engaging with you and looking right at you, would you not agree.

We can create talking videos using your photo or we can create animation types like the one shown below.