There are a good number of alternatives coming through such as Chatsonic whom BDMS has now partnered with to be able to offer a vast range of Business A.I. prompts designed with Marketing Your Business to Your Targeted Market. Chatsonic uses ChatGPT-4 and accesses more updated information currently. It is also has a FREE TRIAL so people can see if it right for them and a PAID VERSION which offers so much more should they decide to upgrade to this service which we would recommend and note we have done so ourselves, so are happy to support this ChatGPT alternative.

Bspoke ChatPal AI is another variation and is partnered with BDMS. We ourselves use both and each offers something different to the user.

Make no mistake the AI Revolution  is here to stay and there will be a massive shake up in the world of business. Jobs and tasks that people have taken as a given leading to employment opportunities and many white collar jobs will be shaken up and some will lost and others will be created. Where as before someone may have been employed as a Copywriter, may find their position reverting to that of an AI Manager that incorporates their previous role and including other tasks that can also be done by the use of AI. Customer Services can be replaced with AI Chatbots that deliver 24/7 hour service to customer queries. These are just some of the roles that could be replaced!