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Google analytics helps you differentiate what is working from what is not working on your site. Google Analytics is equipped with tools that analyse almost every aspect of your site from the technical setup, planning, implementation, site search, campaign tracking, as well as event tracking and configuration among others. Coupled with the right connections, tools and strategies, Google analytics is essential for boosting your revenue. Further, when combined with webmaster tools, Google analytics helps in making decisions that enhance your niche site. Leverage the reports on Google analytics to get an overview of detailed visitor profiles on your site, traffic sources and performance, visitors’ performance and actions on your site, and keyword rankings, impressions, and clicks among other relevant reports. This checklist addresses the factors and elements to focus on when setting up Google analytics for your niche site.
Planning and Implementation
1 Ensure that goals have been configured.
2 Check that goals and objectives for your site are clearly defined.
3 Ensure Google analytics features selected are based on the needs of your niche site.
4 Check that GA implementation reflects the goals and needs of your niche site.
5 Ensure there is a GA property for website tracking.
6 Check that the tracking code installation is verified using Google Tag Manager.
7 Ensure the GA account is only used to track relevant websites.
8 Make sure the micro and macro conversions are tracked.
Technical Setup
9 Check that Google Optimise is linked to Google analytics.
10 Use GA to implement cross-domain tracking between multiple domains.
11 Ensure social sharing options are tracked into the plugin reports.
12 Check that Google analytics is linked to Google search console.
Site Search and Integrations
13 Configure site search reports.
14 Enable Google signals for cross-device analysis.
15 Apply lowercase filters to site search keywords.
16 Check that all Google platforms are configured (Google Optimise, Google AdSense, Google Search Console).
17 Check that audience lists have been created.
Campaign Tracking
18 Ensure campaign tags use consistent naming conventions.
19 Configure custom channel groupings where necessary.
20 Check that all Google Ads accounts are linked.
21 Ensure clicks from Google ads align with Google analytics.
22 Ensure no campaign tags are used for internal links and in Google ads URLs.