The OpenAI Platform which you will find ChatGPT is explained below in more detail. But the key to getting the best responses is to ensure that the best format is submitted to create the best results. But it is not as simple as you might think or the old adage springs to mind ‘Garbage In, Garbage Out’. Bspoke Marketing has in our library various Prompts which are necessary to be input to get the best responses from the algorithms. This is both the same for written text and for images and music. To make this acceptable for all we have decided to sell these prompts for a small  fee or we are offering a Bspoke Service to create the image as close as we can to your own Keywords that you describe and we will use this to create the Prompt.

Here is a typical format and response that you could expect from using ChatGPT or ChatGPT-3 on the OpenAI Platform:

A ChatGPT AI Prompt would be put together like the one shown below when we wanted content for a Travel Guide and our first Prompt was for a Travel Guide  visiting Turkish museums.

The list below shows just some of the specialised and specific Prompts that we have available for: