Creation Guide For Twitter Ads_7612

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Benefits Of Posting On Twitter:

  • Direct Messaging Create Connections – Twitter has a direct messaging feature that allows for private communication between two users.  This allows your communication to remain worthwhile, engaging, personalised, and authentic.

  • Tagging Will Encourage Engagement – Using the @ symbol on Twitter will go a long way.  This is the key to sending notifications that guarantee the recipient will view your Tweet.  Twitter has also branched out into content discovery, which allows you to see Tweets from people you may not follow.  With this feature, your tweets will gain engagement and end up in front of new eyes, creating more reach and engagement.

  • Posting Multiple Times, A Day Is A Norm – Twitter remains chronological.  Tweets have such a short lifespan once shared that regular updates are necessary to stay relevant and at the forefront of your targeted audience.

  • TweetDeck Lets You Monitor Twitter For Free – If you have a Twitter account, you can also access TweetDeck.  You can identify accounts, keywords, and hashtags that you want to follow.  TweetDeck allows you to stay in the conversations without searching for each keyword one at a time.

  • Your Twitter Profile Can Drive Traffic To Your Site – Social media platforms have become the new homepage for many companies like yours.  Research has shown that 47% of people who view your Twitter page will also visit the website linked to that page.  Remember that you want to keep your brand consistent across platforms, so your target audience easily identifies it.

  • Communities Can Be Managed With Branded Hashtags – Brands create branded hashtags to give consumers a way to share their experiences across social media platforms.  Branded hashtags make up 70% of the total hashtags you see used today.  As a marketer, you can use these niche spaces to follow their brand communities online easily.