Did you know that if you use music tracks that are registered by someone else that not only can you get banned from your favourite video platforms like YouTube but also that you can be fined and taken to court for unlawful use of someone else’s music compilation. We make sure that we create our own individual professional audio tracks which are Copy-Right Free but sound awesome. Remember if the video company creates and supplies a video for you, that is approved by the client then the responsibility for the video is the client’s alone, so clients needs to be aware of this before accepting the video made on their behalf.

To cover themselves they need to get something in writing from the video developer confirming that the music / audio sound track is copy-right and royalty free or they themselves could end up in court and or having to pay a large financial penalty fine and having their video taken down from major platforms.

Our client choose the activity type or we select on their behalf to match the video type so for example if we produce a video for a local gymnasium then we would match a fitness energy track, if this was for a local yoga class then the audio would be more calming and serene. These are just some of the different types for music tracks that we can produce in our own music studio.