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After developing and setting up your niche site, the bulk of the work goes into driving traffic to your site. One of the most effective strategies for driving traffic is by promoting your site. While there are myriad options for promoting your site, it is important to identify the most viable promotional strategy and channel for your niche. To this end therefore, it is imperative to understand your target audience in terms of their preferred social media hang out spots, identifying their preferred medium for information, and the forums, communities, blogs, and websites frequented and read by your target audience. Essentially, extensive audience research is required for promotional purposes in order to understand what your niche is demanding and how to go about meeting these demands. This checklist thus provides a guide for promoting your niche site.
Part 1 –  Social Media Marketing
1 Use social media platforms to promote your content.
2 Leverage video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.
3 Optimise your content for on-page SEO.
4 Leverage the power of LinkedIn for your content.
5 Create a schedule for social media marketing.
Part 2 –  Competitor’s Strategies
6 Identify your competitors’ marketing platforms.
7 Evaluate your competitors’ target keywords and audience engagement strategies.
8 Analyse competitors’ messaging structures to identify opportunities.
Part 3 –  Relationships and Partnerships
9 Build partnerships with specialised marketing agencies.
10 Build brand loyalty to develop brand ambassadors from your customers.
11 Engage with your audience in niche forums, communities, social media.
12 Check that your brands align with customers’ needs and values.
Part 4 –  Email Marketing
13 Build an email list and send messages regarding your content regularly.
14 Send broadcast messages regarding your latest content.
15 Optimise your emails for CTR.
Part 5 –  General Marketing
16 Consider using paid traffic (Google Ads and Facebook ads).
17 Run webinars and offer promotions.
18 Consider guest blogging.
19 Leverage high-intent, popular, and long-tail keywords.
20 Build quality external and internal linking structures.
21 Optimise referral traffic.
22 Create a free resource.
• Use Ahrefs to spy on competitors.

• Use automation tools for marketing.