Horizontal & Vertical Video Wrappers  – we can add icons, emojis and more with our Video Wrapper Service…








Square and Other Video Wrappers – we can add captions to the videos and to the video wrappers…







Automated Captions & Full Captioning Support    l   Video Progress Bar    l   Customise Videos with Shapes, Emojis, Images, GIFs.

Not only can you get automated captions for your videos, but you can also edit captions and even reach audiences who are watching your videos on mute. You’ve seen the biggest names in marketing use these, and you can add the exact same features to your videos. This has been proven to dramatically improve conversion rates. We can add customisations to add personality, callouts, or to help add emphasis to your message.

After selecting the type of Video Wrapper  can also select other options such as colour, font and type of wrapper such as the below options for the ratios dependent on the type of wrapper selected and visual look of the video to fit platform.