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A niche website refers to an online site or resource that focuses on part of a given topic, product, or service that is shared by a group of people in a larger market. One of the first moves for setting up a niche website is selecting a profitable niche. When selecting your niche site, it is important to focus on the potential (monetary) of your niche in addition to your passion or interest for the product/service. Niche selection should be based on the size of the audience/target market in your area of focus. Markedly, a niche that is characterised by little or no competition is a red flag since competition is usually a sign of an extensive market. It is always strategic to select a niche that allows variety in terms of topics and contents to be created for ease of marketing in different platforms. Here is a guide for selecting your niche website.
Part 1 – The Niche
1 Have you brainstormed niche ideas?
2 Are you passionate or interested in your selected niche market?
3 What is the problem you are solving?
4 How does your niche rank on SERPs?
5 Have you browsed affiliate networks?
6 What are the popular keywords used for your niche?
7 What is volume of keywords used for your niche?
8 Are there tons of products to sell within the niche?
Part 2 – The Competition
9 What are competitors doing?
10 Are competitors making money in the same niche?
11 How are competitors making money (what are the strategies or monetising channels)?
12 What are your competitors’ reviews on Google and social media?
13 What can you do to stand out from competitors in your selected niche?
Part 3 – Niche Monetising Potential
14 Do you have a monetising strategy?
15 Do businesses advertise with others in your niche?
16 Can you sell ad space?
17 Can you refer affiliate products?
18 Can you sell digital and physical products on your site?
• Avoid niches where there are limited options of what you can sell.
• Use keyword tools such as,,, WordTracker,, to find keywords and analyse keyword volume.
• Avoid niches where high-authority sites (competitors) are dominating the Google SERPs since it inhibits your potential to rank highly and get traffic.