Businesses needs to show a clear explanation of the impact of coronavirus on your business and how you will use any funds to mitigate its impact when they apply for any Government backed loan. They also need to show a forecast of their cash requirements for the next 12 months, factoring in a 6-month period of severe disruption.
We know that many business are cash strapped and FMS is offering various payment options to help with this. The prices are the lowest around for the services being offered. Our prices will not break the bank and can be factored in to any marketing and financial planning required for your business planning.
This is where Focussed Marketing Services (FMS) can help. Take a look at our website at and see how we can help you and for our full range of services. Then contact us for more details.
If you are a business owner you will know you need need a digital marketing plan that encompasses a website and use video, that’s a no brainer as well as social media presence.
The plan should include a marketing breakdown and clearly for most businesses they need to focus on their immediate local business and show how they intend to begin brand rebuilding.
This is why we are developing a section on our website to show various ways that Businesses can be supported. See our page that gives you some ideas and then see our digital marketing tools available.
But FMS can offer not only the latest and innovative digital marketing but also the traditional offline print and on air radio packages all of which are designed around local businesses. We can create websites that help you to offer online orders as well as delivery or collection.

We can offer Corby businesses packages in the Corby Focussed Magazine, and/or on Corby Radio, supported by our social media online. Ideal for campaigns where you want to breakdown or dovetail both an online and an offline. We can support this with video packages and innovative ways to use these across social media networks and smartphone marketing.

Stores can offer local, regional and even national reach dependent on the requirements. But it is important not to over stretch and your plan must show a balanced approach to how you intend to use any Government backed funds. This will be the same for loans and grants your business must have a clearly thought out map of direction.

Do you Run a Restaurant Business? – Is your Restaurant easily found online?




Are you a restaurant owner?
We help restaurant businesses like yours to increase their online visibility & get more loyal customers.  Contact us today and find out how Focussed can help your business be seen and heard. 

Ecommerce is here to stay and to grow. Stores are here to stay too.

Those that will make the two work together will win. Those that will take the extremes – store only or ecommerce only – may survive but with smaller scale and perhaps higher risks and lower profitability. We are in the era of omni-channel, omni-people, omni-stock, omni-content, omni-experience ! The trouble is that Covid has accelerated the inevitable and businesses need to also accelerate their convergence. They need to combine online and offline marketing strategies and dovetail campaigns that reach out to their customers in the different formats that they prefer. These preferred formats will often differ based on age and generations and the media platforms they are used to.
See example by scanning on your smartphone.